Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Day

Last Saturday was Valentine Day. Many of people go gai gai wth gf but i dun hv the chance to do tat so. On tat day. i back to johor to celebrate my cousin's Bday. Dia mmg lucky can birth in valentine day...
On tat day, i was very very very happy bcoz i can get a special present, but tat present isn't a thing but is a chance. Although it failed on the next day but i can feel tat the chance owner was very serious to do the decision...
Tat day is a very happy day for me... So start from now, i should do something...
On tat day, i had met some fren...
Tat group ppl very funny 1, they oso macam kid although all older than me wakakakaka...

Today !!!! I very tired dun noe y so after bath den i terus tidur 4 hours hehe...

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